
Who are we?

The Fachschaft: Actually, the term stands for the entirety of the students in a department, but it has become synonymous with the “Fachschaftsrat” - the student council of the department. Anyone:r, whether they have been there longer or are new, whether elected or not, whether freshmen or sophomores, can bring an agenda item to the meeting. You can find the meeting date at https://u.fs-etit.de/sitzung.

The Student Council Office is located in room 103 and 105 in building S3|10 (Riegel, Dolivo building). You will almost always find someone here.

Which student council represents you?

Due to the proximity in terms of content and the overlapping of tasks, the student councils often work together.
At department 18 there are therefore the departments of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (etit), Mechatronics (MEC), Information Systems Technology (iST) and recently also Medical Engineering.
You will find people in all of them who can help you or direct you to the right place.

What does the student council do?

The student council meeting takes place once a week during the lecture period. The date is set at the beginning of the semester and published on the homepage. At the meeting, current topics are discussed, such as appointments to committees, distribution of tasks, and much more. You are cordially invited to attend, to participate in the discussion and to contribute your ideas.
Dates and minutes of the meetings can be found at https://u.fs-etit.de/sitzung.

Committees form an essential part of student co-determination. Here we - the students - can actively participate in everyday university life, such as the appointment of new professorships (appointment committees), changes to the curricula (study committee) or general decisions at the department (department council).
The student representatives are either directly elected by you or delegated by committees elected by you. You can find more information about the committees and the elections here.

You will soon get to know the orientation week or maybe you are in the middle of it. For this we are always looking for tutors. There will be a public search for tutors in time and we would be very happy to see you again as tutors for the new freshmen.

Advice from students for students you can get if you write us an email to . We will help you with any kind of problem. Be it with the administration, the profs, the staff, other students or completely different things. We are not always responsible, but in these cases we almost always know who to contact.

The Nachrichten für Elektrotechniker is the student council newspaper, where you can find out everything more or less important that is going on in the department and at the university. Here we are always looking for people who enjoy writing or like to struggle with LaTeX.

The Studilabor is a part of the new learning center, which is available to all students, as long as it doesn’t disturb the people in the learning center. Here you can, for example, build circuits on the plug-in board in order to confirm theoretical considerations directly in a practical experiment or just to find out that you should think about it again. You can also use the study lab to assemble a circuit board or to solder a kit. So if you want to realize projects, but you don’t have an electronics workshop, the study lab in the learning center (more precisely: S3|10-121) is at your disposal. (However, not until the university opens again for students).

Exam protocols are currently distributed via the Forum der Fachschaft. There you can upload a transcript of your exam and also view other people’s transcripts. When the Learning Center reopens, there will be a collection of paper transcripts there as well, which you can copy.

If you find that there is something to improve, love to be on the front line, or would just like to help out a little, you are welcome to join in. The best thing to do is just drop by one of the Student Council meetings.
Of course there are many other things the Student Council does, but here are the main points. If you are interested in our work, we would be glad to hear from you.

Homepage and e-mail address of the student council 18:
